
news/2024/10/4 11:46:42
Download the Complete eBook! 下载完整的电子书!

Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers eBook in EPUB format

适用EPUB格式的 Full-Stack Developers电子书的Kubernetes

Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers eBook in PDF format

Kubernetes适用PDF格式的 全栈开发人员电子书

电子书简介 (Introduction to the eBook)

This book is designed to help newcomers and experienced users alike learn about Kubernetes. Its chapters are designed to introduce core Kubernetes concepts and to build on them to a level where running an application on a production cluster is a familiar, repeatable, and automated process. From there, more advanced topics are introduced, like how to manage a Kubernetes cluster itself.

本书旨在帮助新手和有经验的用户学习Kubernetes。 它的章节旨在介绍Kubernetes的核心概念,并在此基础上构建一个层次,使在生产集群上运行应用程序是一个熟悉,可重复且自动化的过程。 从那里开始,引入了更多高级主题,例如如何管理Kubernetes集群本身。

There are numerous tools, networking configurations, and processes that can help make Kubernetes more approachable. This book will examine each topic in turn so that anyone who follows along will be able to build, manage, and monitor a Kubernetes cluster on their own.

有许多工具,网络配置和流程可帮助使Kubernetes更易于访问。 本书将依次研究每个主题,以便任何关注的人都能够自行构建,管理和监视Kubernetes集群。

This book is based on the Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers curriculum found on DigitalOcean Community. It is structured around a few central topics:

本书基于DigitalOcean社区上的Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers课程 。 它围绕几个主要主题进行组织:

  1. Learning Kubernetes core concepts


  2. Modernizing applications to work with containers


  3. Containerizing applications


  4. Deploying applications to Kubernetes


  5. Managing cluster operations


You should not feel obliged to follow the topics in any particular order. If one section is more interesting or relevant to you, explore it and come back to the others later if you prefer. Likewise, if you are already familiar with the concepts and tools in a given section, feel free to skip that one and focus on other topics.

您不应该以任何特定的顺序来跟随主题。 如果某个部分更有趣或与您相关,请进行探索,并在以后根据需要返回其他部分。 同样,如果您已经熟悉给定部分中的概念和工具,请随时跳过该部分,并专注于其他主题。

下载电子书 (Download the eBook)

You can download the eBook in either the EPUB or PDF format by following the links below.


Download the Complete eBook! 下载完整的电子书!

Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers eBook in EPUB format

适用EPUB格式的 Full-Stack Developers电子书的Kubernetes

Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers eBook in PDF format

Kubernetes适用PDF格式的 全栈开发人员电子书

For additional Kubernetes resources and to participate in the DigitalOcean community of other developers using Kubernetes, check out our growing library of tutorials, questions, and projects with the Kubernetes tag.





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